The Puffing Devil was born as Richard Trevithick and Andrew Viviane patented a steam engine that powered a full sized locomotive.
Possibly the first radio transmission was reportedly made by Aleksandr Popov as he said “Heinrich Hertz” between buildings at St. Petersburg University. He didn’t report on his demonstration until years later, which brought debate on if it actually happened. [1]
NASA’s Ranger 9 brings images of the Moon to Televisions around the US for the first time. Viewers watched as the craft crash-landed. [2]
The Exxon Valdez crashes and spills 240,000 barrels of petroleum
The Comet – Shoemaker-Levy 9 is discovered
Electronics Boutique Holdings Corp. offers 7.5 million common shares in an Initial Public Offering (IPO). Visit the official EB Games website.
Apple Computer releases the MacOS X. This version introduces the stability of a protected memory architecture with the introduction of a version of Darwin based on FreeBSD 5.0. Visit the official Mac OS X website. Code-name: Cheetah Price: US$129
The European Commission issues a unanimous decision that finds Microsoft>Microsoft guilty of abusing the near-monopoly of its Windows operating system. The Commission orders Microsoft to pay a record €497 million (US$613 million) fine, to make a European version of its operating system without a media player available within ninety days, and to release programming code to rivals in the server market within one hundred twenty days. or at Wikipedia.
Microsoft releases the Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition operating system, also known as Windows Mobile 2003 SE. The system is first offered on the Dell Axim x30. Visit the official Windows Mobile website.
Antitrust officials decide the Merger between XM and Sirus is not going to Lessen competition.
Netflix website suffers an outage. It comes back up in the day, but isn’t fully functional until the 25th.
Steve Wozniak joins the DeepDyve advisory board
Novell releases Suse Linux Enterprise 11
China confirms they will continue to block YouTube but wont give reason why.
Pirate Bay announces they will offer a VPN pipe so people cannot be traced on their action
AT&T joins RIAA by announcing they will send out warning letters to those who download music illegally.
Brendan Eich was named CEO of Mozilla. The co-founder took the spot after Gary Kovacs announced he was stepping down.
Box filed for IPO [3]