August 4, 2009: Two Journalists Released from North Korea

Laura Ling, Euna Lee
August 4, 2009: Laura Ling, Euna Lee pardoned

In 2009, North Korean leader Kim Jong Il issued a pardon to two Current TV journalists who were recently charged for perpetrating hostile acts against the communist state. After a visit from former President William Clinton, Laura Ling and Euna Lee were released. They were detained on March 17th.

“It was the third time that I’ve heard her voice since March 17 when they were first detained. And it was a very different call from the two previous calls. She was very deliberate and clear in her message, which was, look, you just have to know that we did violate North Korean law. We broke the law, we are sorry, and we need help. We need our government’s help to try and get amnesty because that really is our only hope.”

– Laura Ling, speaking with KCRA-TV

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