Worldcom1997– MCI was under a bid to be purchased by British Telecommunications. Worldcom came in and outbid BT to snag up the company. What made this the coup de grace is it would make Worldcom the #2 telecom provider, under AT&T. The $37 Billion dollar merger would finalize on November 10th. Then, September 1998 – MCI Worldcom would officially launch. This all crumbled in 2002 when Worldcom filed for bankruptcy.
I was an employee of Worldcom and had been since its original namesake LDDS. At the time we were awestruck.
1983 – The Osbourne I was a computer introduced by Adam Osbourne in 1981. It featured a Z80 microprocessor and the computer would run at least $1800. However, the computer company did not fair too well. They tried to mask their true financial statements in hopes that things would turn around. However once investors found out what was going on, they would start asking questions. Osbourne could not handle the pressure and on this day they filed for bankruptcy.
This Day in Tech History podcast show notes for September 13
1985 – After an interesting power struggle with John Sculley, Steve Jobs decides to throw in the towel and tenders his resignation at Apple. He announces at the Board meeting he and other low level employees will be starting a new company – NeXT. The next day, Jobs tells John Sculley that Bud Tribble, Dan’l Lewin, George Crow, Rich Page, and Susan Barnes will be leaving to join him.
Jobs new company would end up becoming the foundation of Mac when it is bought by Apple in 1996 and Steve Jobs comes back to become CEO.
This Day in Tech History podcast show notes for September 12