FTC1914 – The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is formed to regulate business in the US. President Wilson issued this to “Trust bust”. The FTC is controlled by a 5 member panel that serve in 7 year terms. They govern all fair trade practices.
Companies like Microsoft and IBM have been under the microscope with the FTC and the FCC.
This Day in Tech History podcast show notes for September 26 [dithzagg]
1999 – an ebay user (litterally) puts 500 pounds of Marijuana on the auction block. The auction itself hits up to 10 million dollars. eBay finds out and pulls down the auction, but it does say something for the power of illegal drugs over the internet.
1994 – Microsoft releases the second version of the Windows NT OS – Windows NT 3.5 in two flavors; NT Workstation and NT Server. This replaced NT 3.1 and was the first Windows NT version to have a Server and Workstation version. NT 3.5 integrated Winsock and TCP/IP support for dial-up and networking. NT 3.5 also initiated FTP and LPR printer support. The VFAT option also allowed for naming conventions up to 255 characters.
This version was a problematic one, especially since it couldn’t install on a machine with a Pentium processor inside. Therefore, NT 3.5.1 was released in 1995 to supplement.
1989 – 4 years after resigning from Apple, Steve Jobs and his newest company NeXT finally release the NeXTstepOS. It is a Unix based system, with some aspects of BSD and using the Mach kernal. This is the OS that will eventually merge into Apple when Jobs comes back.
1990 – The NeXTstation is finally released. It used the 68040 Motorola processor running 33MHz and the 68882 math co-processor running at 25 MHz. 2.88 MB floppy, 8 MB RAM, monochrome monitor, all for $4.995.If you wanted 4096 colors, that would cost you – $7,995.
1997– Microsoft purchased WebTV back in April for $425 Million. It didn’t take long for the Justice department to clear the purchase, so Microsoft geared down to integrate the WebTV machine. Today, Microsoft showed off the new and improved WebTV. Unfortunately, it was still using Dial up. Back in 97, broadband wasn’t a common thing in the house. Still, it would have been great for people that wanted to choose.By the way, you can still get a WebTV box.
2008– Napster has been trying to solidify their name since they went legit. They forged the way with music downloads in the 1990’s but struggled after.
Enter Best Buy. They saw the opportunity and laid down $121 Million for the company. Best Buy owned the service until 2011 when Napster merged with Rhapsody. Best Buy still has a minor stake in the music sharing software.
1973 – IBM had a suit filed in January of 1972 by Telex. They accused IBM of monopolizing the “plug compatible” equipment market. This included tape and disk drives, along with other add-on memories.
Judge Sherman Christensen hands down his 222 page verdict. He found that both Telex and IBM were guilty for the allegations waged against each other. Telex is awarded $350 million and IBM will be restrained in its ability to market its computer and software bundles. IBM, in turn, is awarded $22 million.
This suit began a witch hunt and other suits against IBM came up. CalComp, Memorex and Marshall Industries filed suits and won over 3 billion from Big blue.
August 30, 1995: Just a few days after the launch of Windows95, Microsoft puts out the newest version of the Office software. Technically, it’s called “Office 7.0”, but Microsoft wanted to brand it as a companion to the newest operating system. Therefore, it became “Office 95”.The newest version included Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Mail software. This new version ran in 32 bit, so Windows 95 could utilize it to the best of it’s ability.