March 14, 1994: Apple Power Macintosh

Power Macintosh 6100/66
Power Macintosh 6100/66

1994 – Apple computer released a new line of MacIntosh computers in the Power Macintosh 6100. With a 60-66 MHz PowerPC 601 RISC processor – the first time Apple used this processor line – up to 32 MB of RAM, and options such as a composite and S-Video input/output, along with full 48 kHz 16-bit DAT resolution sound processing, this was the computer for the mulitmedia professional. The basic Power Macintosh 6100 was priced at $2,209

Apple also introduced the Power Macintosh 7100 for $3,379 and the 8100  with a 68LC040 emulation ROM for $4,869

It was codename: Piltdown Man

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