Intel Pentium ProIntel announced in 1995 the next generation processor – the Pentium Pro. Unlike the Pentium, the Pentium Pro was a chip designed for 32-bit architecture, so Windows 95 and Windows NT could run true. The processor ran between 150-200 MHz, with a bus speed of 60 MHz (for 150 or 180 MHz processor) or 66MHz (for 166 or 200 MHz processor). The processor used a .35 micron process and prices started at $974 to $1989.
This Day in Tech History podcast show notes for November 1
2011– Steve Jobs passes away in his home at 3 pm Pacific. He went into respritory failure due to the pancreatic cancer he was fighting for over 10 years. Twitter exploded with over 10,000 tweets per second on this event (Osama Bin Laden death was 5,000). Vigils were held in his memory and Cupertino office was plastered with flowers and memories on post-it notes.
1999– The Microprocessor Forum is held in San Jose, California. During the event, Advanced Micro Devices outlines its own x86 64-bit architecture, as well as Lightning Data Transport – Its future system bus. This will become AMD’s eighth-generation microprocessor code-name: Sledgehammer
This Day in Tech History podcast show notes for October 5
2006 – The book iWoz: from Computer Geek to Cult Icon: How I Invented the Personal Computer, Co-founded Apple and had Fun Doing it. (**WHEW!**) came out. It was a book that was written to dispel some of the rumors and misconceptions on many different items.
2008 – Psystar came on the scene earlier in the year with a machine that would contain Windows, Linux or Mac software. Of course, this has not been without controversy. Apple finally put together a lawsuit, but instead of Psystar accepting, they decided to countersue. The reason why: Anticompetitive Nature.
This Day in Tech History podcast show notes for August 28
1991 – Linus Torvalds mentions in a message on comp.os.minix with the simple question:
What would you like to see most in Minix
This is the official announcement of the Linux project. Of course Ari Lemmke named it Linux after a while, in which would be adopted as the official name. Linus first wanted to name it “Freix”, which meant Freek Unix.
This Day in Tech History podcast show notes for August 25
Red Hat is a Linux distribution and a vendor. They are on the S&P 500 company list for it. Founded in 1993, this company has provided a more professional type of open source software – giving pay support and Enterprise editions for IT pros. CEO Bob Young brought the company to this point. They filed for IPO in 1999. It turned out to be one of the largest Wall Street Gains in history. They put up 900,000 shares of common stock. Red Hat spiked at $136 a share, but is currently at $57
Also, Palm released the Palm VIIx and Vx handheld computers. VIIx was $449 and the Vx was $399.
Full Day in Tech History podcast show notes for August 11
Radio Shack released a few new TRS-80 line computers in 1980. One was the introduction of Model III. It contained a Zilog Z80 processor and 4 kb of RAM> The price was only $699.Then again, you could get the TRS-80 for $399 with the Motorola 6809E CPU, or the TRS-80 Pocket computer for $230
Full Day in Tech History podcast show notes for July 31
June 9, 1986: Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center opens
1986 – The Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center opens. It links 5 supercomputer centers together – Princeton, San Diego, Illinois, and Cornell University. PSC is a leading partner in the TeraGrid, the National Science Foundation’s cyberinfrastructure program.
Full Day in Tech History podcast show notes for June 9