February 7, 2000: Mafiaboy DDos on Yahoo, 6 Other Web Sites

Michael Demon Calce - aka Mafiaboy
February 7, 2000: Michael Demon Calce – aka Mafiaboy – runs DDos

2000 – 10:15 AM, Mafiaboy – Michael Demon Calce, a 16 year old hacker from Canada – targets 7 sites with a Distributed Denial of Service attack (DDoS). Amazon, Buy.com, CNN, eBay, E*E*Trade, MSN and ZDNet are all affected. Mafiaboy would be sentenced to eight months in a youth detention center for this DDoS.

The project was called Rivolta (riot in Itallian). Yahoo! was his first target.

Calce later said he downloaded the application but didn’t realize he ran it so he went to school. When he came back his computer was crashed and he had no idea what happened.

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