1979 – Dan Bricklin and Bob Frankston incorporate Software Arts to publish their program called “VisiCalc” – an early spreadsheet program. It was geared for the Apple II computer line. This was the first real business application – sometimes called the “Killer App”.The company was later renamed to VisiCorp
1983 – It was an order by the U.S. Under Secretary of Defense, Richard DeLauer. The ARPANET was to have finished a conversion from the Network Control Protocol it was on, to Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol. Otherwise known as TCP/IP.The transistion went smooth, and everyone got a button for their hard work stating “I survived the TCP/IP transition”.
On May 5th, 2012, the Day in Tech History podcast hit it’s 1000th episode. It was a milestone I thought was going to hit on June 15th, but made a mis-calculation. Still, after 1000 episodes, Day in Tech History is still going strong!
I started the Day in Tech History as the Week in Tech History on Geekazine as part of the Geekazine Quickcast. I made the conscious decision to move the show to it’s own podcast in August. On 8-10-2009, the Day in Tech History officially began.
Recording 365 episodes was a real beast. However, I put my head down and plowed through the content. Some episodes were made in the wee hours of the night. I calculated over a month’s worth of work hours were put into the first year’s recordings alone.
Podcasting Logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
After the first 365 days, the job got easier. I cataloged the information on Wikazine.com, and some recordings were pristine to be able and revise. Still, writing posts and getting photo content does bring a good deal of work to this job.
I officially moved Dayintechhistory.com to it’s own website on October 1st, 2011. Since then, I’ve expanded the site to include birthdays of tech history and recaps of the year. I plan to bring a couple people on to help contribute, along with history video.
With somewhere around 8,000 -10,000 hours spent, I have put out an episode a day for over one thousand days. It’s a feat only a couple people can say they did.
So here is to the first thousand episodes. Episode 2,000 will hit on January 30th, 2015. That way, I’m prepared…