1986 – The first piece of the Mir Space Station is launched. With 6 docking ports and labs for research, the Space Station was expected to push us into the stars. The term “Mir” is Russian for “Peace”.
2001– Jan de Wit – a.k.a. “OnTheFly” sends out an email stating that it is a picture of the famous tennis player. Of course it turned out to be a a Worm that takes down tens of thousands of computers. Most companies will shut off their email to the world just to prevent from getting it. De Wit would then be arrested two days later and sentenced to 150 hours community service.
February 11 – AT&T asks for an injunction against Samsung
2012 – Apple began the lawsuits in the US of Samsung made Galaxy Nexus citing patent violations back in April 15, 2011. This would span across the Nexus S, Epic 4G, Galaxy S 4G and Galaxy Tab. A lawsuit that has gone back and forth between the two companies. The patents in question were for data tapping, a Siri search method, a slide-to-unlock patent and a word completion patent. On this day, Apple officially asks for a preliminary injunction for Samsung sales in the US .
1966 – The Johnniac Open Shop System (JOSS) was taken down by the RAND Corporation. JOSS was set up to relive bottlenecks in programming batches, but more and newer work pretty much took the JOSS to the limit and ultimately became a bottleneck. Therefore, JOSS was taken offline indefinitely.JOSS began operation in 1953.
February 5, 1999: Victoria’s Secret Webcast drew 1.5 million
1999 – Victoria’s Secret holds their annual fashion show after dealing with the networks for the last 10 years. The event attracts attention – 1.5 million visitors to be exact in 90 countries. The company uses the same idea the next year to rousing success. This was considered the first Major Successful webcast.
Ads were run on Wall Street Journal, New York Times and other print publications. However, it was the ad spot on the Superbowl that would cause the uproar. Within minutes of the commercial airing, 1 million people logged onto the site – causing it to crash. This is pre- iPad or even pre-laptop for most so they had to move to where their computers were. The ad said:
The Broncos won’t be there. The Falcons won’t be there. You won’t care. Victoria’s Secret fashion show LIVE in 72 hours
Because of the number of viewers, many were denied access simply because there wasn’t server space. Something Victoria’s Secret addressed the next year. They went with Akamai for the event.
This also showed that not only that webcasts can be successful, but we are also ushering in a new age of viewing.
Victoria’s Secret went back to Network television in 2001 (ABC). Even though the numbers were good, they didn’t match the 12 million viewers ABC brought to the table.
1998 – In the 90’s, AOL and Compuserve were battling out for top dog in the ISP market. However, AOL showed a lot more game back then as Compuserve ultimately faltered when it’s main investor – H&R Block – decided to divest. The big quandary: Who was to buy Compuserve. Well, the end result was a buyout of Compuserve to AOL after Worldcom picked it up and then took what they wanted.
February 2, 1998 AOL buys Compuserve
1964 – The first G.I.Joe was released to the toy market. Toy company Hasbro released the 12 inch soldier to the public. Avoiding the word “Doll” to keep the stigma away that boys played with dolls. Action Soldier (Army), Action Sailor (Navy), Action Pilot (Air Force), Action Marine (Marines) and later on, the Action Nurse.
Google owned Motorola Mobility for only 2 years before deciding to sell it off. They chose to sell to Lenovo for $2.91 billion. A major change in the $12.5 billion acquisition they made in 2011. But of course that was after Google striped the company down a little and sold items like their cable modem division to Arris Group.
The deal was completed on October 30, 2014. In return, Motorola developed the Nexus 6 – Google’s six-inch smartphone that debuted in November 2014.
2001– Dave Weiner added a new functionality to the RSS feed called “Enclosure“. It was defined as passing any audio file (mp3, wav, ogg, etc), video file (mpg, mp4, avi, mov, etc), PDF, or ePub (electronic publication) into the syndicated feed. Weiner demonstrated by enclosing a Grateful Dead song in his website at Scripting News. This was an idea that was proposed by Tristan Louis.
It wasn’t until Adam Curry and crew started iPodderX and in February 2004 the name “Podcasting” was coined by Ben Hammersley. But its roots all come back to this day when RSS 0.92 was demonstrated.