1999 – It was over 12 years that we saw Microsoft go through the Department of Justice over Monopoly issues. US district Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson issued a 207 page Findings of fact on this day. In it, he ruled that Microsoft did have a Monopoly power over the OS in the Intel market. During the week we talked about what leads up to this 207 page ruling.
1973 – Martin Cooper made the first handheld cellular phone call in public. Walking down the streets of New York, Cooper – the General Manager of Motorola’s communication system division – talked on the phone. It’s not the first cellular call since car phones have been around before then. The phone is also known as the “Brick” cell phone.
1996 – Even though Pluto was first seen in 1930, we didn’t have the ability to take a decent picture of the furthest planet… er… dwarf planet… er… (dang you Neil deGrasse Tyson!!!). The Hubble telescope finally was powerful enough to take photos of Pluto’s surface. They spent over 6 days taking snapshots and learning all about this distant neighbor.
Astronomers found that Pluto had a complex surface, just like Earth. Many basins and craters were discovered during that six day photo session.
1999 – It was over 12 years that we saw Microsoft go through the Department of Justice over Monopoly issues. US district Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson issued a 207 page Findings of fact on this day. In it, he ruled that Microsoft did have a Monopoly power over the OS in the Intel market. During the week we talked about what leads up to this 207 page ruling.
This Day in Tech History podcast show notes for November 5
April 3, 1973: The first mobile cell phone call was made
1973 – Martin Cooper made the first handheld cellular phone call in public. Walking down the streets of New York, Cooper – the General Manager of Motorola’s communication system division – talked on the phone. It’s not the first cellular call since car phones have been around before then. The phone is also known as the “Brick” cell phone.
1996 – Even though Pluto was first seen in 1930, we didn’t have the ability to take a decent picture of the furthest planet… er… dwarf planet… er… (dang you Neil deGrasse Tyson!!!). The Hubble telescope finally was powerful enough to take photos of Pluto’s surface. They spent over 6 days taking snapshots and learning all about this distant neighbor.
Astronomers found that Pluto had a complex surface, just like Earth. Many basins and craters were discovered during that six day photo session.
1933– Charles Darrow creates the game Monopoly, with designers Elizabeth Magie, Louis Thun, and Fred Thun. There were a few other board games before Monopoly, like “The Landlord game“, which Monopoly was loosely derived from. The board is based on Atlantic City and the playing pieces were models from items around Charles Darrow’s’ house. Parker Brothers would pick the game up in 1935 and turn it into a household name.Since then, multiple variations of the board game have been introduced. Everything from Star Wars Monopoly to Bratz Jr Monopoly game. The game has gone through many revisions, and some families have made “unofficial rules” – such as what happens when you land on Free Parking.