Microsoft: a company started by Bill Gates and Paul Allen when they bought DOS to try to incorporate it on IBM machines. Since then, Microsoft went on to produce Windows Operating System, the XBox and other various technologies. Wikipedia: Microsoft
1984– The Osbourne Vixen debuted. Inside was a ZILOG Z80a processor, with 64k RAM and the CP/M OS. Other programs included Wordstar, Supercalc and M-Basic. All this for $1,498.The Encore was also introduced. It was developed by Vadem Inc for $2,195. The computer was an MS-DOS computer with modem and four icon keys. phone, clock, disk and calculator.
2001 – Microsoft released Windows XP Home, Pro for retail. XP used the NT Kernel and merged the consumer desktop OS with the business desktop OS. XP was code-named “Whistler”.
2009 – Microsoft released not only the Windows 7 Operating system, but also Server 2008 R2 (as mentioned on the Windows 7 team blog). Although there are many versions of Windows OS, Windows 7 stood for the 7th kernel update. It was release to Manufacturing (RTM) a few days prior – meaning the final code is sent out for people and companies to install on their desktops and notebooks. If you bought one as part of your Dell, HP, Acer or other computer, you would get an “OEM” version (Original Equipment Manufacturer), which could have add-ons that make the software work better on the computer.
“Not only is RTM an important milestone for us – it’s also an important milestone for our partners.” stated Brandon LeBlanc. “Today’s release is the result of hard work and collaboration with our partners in the industry to make Windows 7 a success. We delivered Windows 7 with a predictable feature set on a predictable timetable that allowed OEMs to focus on value and differentiation for their customers. “
There are different flavors of Windows 7: Home, professional and ultimate. Windows 7 supports computers with multiple cores and implemented more security protocols to protect people’s data.
1999– Priceline filed a lawsuit against Microsoft and its Expedia travel service. The suit outlined how they violated U.S. patent number 5,794,207, “Method and Apparatus for a Cryptographically Assisted Network System Designed to Facilitate Buyer-Driven Conditional Purchase Offers.” The two sites come to terms in 2001, in where Microsoft pays a fine.
1999 – an ebay user (litterally) puts 500 pounds of Marijuana on the auction block. The auction itself hits up to 10 million dollars. eBay finds out and pulls down the auction, but it does say something for the power of illegal drugs over the internet.
1994 – Microsoft releases the second version of the Windows NT OS – Windows NT 3.5 in two flavors; NT Workstation and NT Server. This replaced NT 3.1 and was the first Windows NT version to have a Server and Workstation version. NT 3.5 integrated Winsock and TCP/IP support for dial-up and networking. NT 3.5 also initiated FTP and LPR printer support. The VFAT option also allowed for naming conventions up to 255 characters.
This version was a problematic one, especially since it couldn’t install on a machine with a Pentium processor inside. Therefore, NT 3.5.1 was released in 1995 to supplement.
1997– Microsoft purchased WebTV back in April for $425 Million. It didn’t take long for the Justice department to clear the purchase, so Microsoft geared down to integrate the WebTV machine. Today, Microsoft showed off the new and improved WebTV. Unfortunately, it was still using Dial up. Back in 97, broadband wasn’t a common thing in the house. Still, it would have been great for people that wanted to choose.By the way, you can still get a WebTV box.
August 30, 1995: Just a few days after the launch of Windows95, Microsoft puts out the newest version of the Office software. Technically, it’s called “Office 7.0”, but Microsoft wanted to brand it as a companion to the newest operating system. Therefore, it became “Office 95”.The newest version included Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Mail software. This new version ran in 32 bit, so Windows 95 could utilize it to the best of it’s ability.
August 24, 2011 – Steve Jobs, unable to continue due to failing health, officially puts his resignation in to Apple. He asks for his successor to be Tim Cook, then COO of Apple. The Board of Directors agree and announce the changing of CEO. The official resignation letter read:
To the Apple Board of Directors and the Apple Community:
I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come. The official resignation letter read:
I hereby resign as CEO of Apple. I would like to serve, if the Board sees fit, as Chairman of the Board, director and Apple employee.
As far as my successor goes, I strongly recommend that we execute our succession plan and name Tim Cook as CEO of Apple.
I believe Apple’s brightest and most innovative days are ahead of it. And I look forward to watching and contributing to its success in a new role.
I have made some of the best friends of my life at Apple, and I thank you all for the many years of being able to work alongside you.
Windows 95
1995 – Microsoft releases Windows 95. It was a stellar event with it’s newest operating system. The first MS OS in 32 bit mode, it also debut TCP/IP, dial up networking and Long Filename support. The event brought along many different celebrations, including places like New York, which lit up the Empire State Building with the Windows colors.
IBM wasn’t sure if they were getting Windows 95 until 15 minutes before release. Companies like HP and Compaq (at that time they were separate) were able to let consumers know that they will get upgrades, but IBM could not make that promise.