Microsoft: a company started by Bill Gates and Paul Allen when they bought DOS to try to incorporate it on IBM machines. Since then, Microsoft went on to produce Windows Operating System, the XBox and other various technologies. Wikipedia: Microsoft
Datallegro – a warehouse application – had been sued by XPrime, where Cary Jardin (CEO of Datallegro) used to work. Datallegro was in mid acquisition by Microsoft at the time. The acquisition completed on Sept 16, 2008. The suit was analyzed by critics as “not relevant”. No word on how that suit ended.
August 6, 1997: Bill Gates & Steve Jobs create a Microsoft/Apple alliance
It was the day that will live in infamy. Apple on the verge of collapse. Steve Jobs in dire need. So he calls on the only person that can help – Bill Gates.
Well, it didn’t happen that way. But in 1997, at MacWorld Expo, the two come together to announce a five year alliance. Microsoft buys $150 Million of non-voting stock into Apple and hold it for 3 years. Patents will be cross-licensed for the next 5 years. Microsoft Office would be created for Mac computers. Internet Explorer would also be developed for the Mac OS.
This is considered one of the 10 most pivotal moments in tech history. Of course, Steve Jobs changed directions and Apple grew after this moment. Although some might have said this was one of Apple’s worst moments in time, it really turned out to be their best.
Full Day in Tech History podcast show notes for August 6
July 29, 2009: Yahoo! sells search assets to Microsoft
We dealt with the big buyout bid fight between Microsoft and Yahoo back in 2008. Of course, the outcome was that Yahoo’s CEO Jerry Yang stepped down and Carol Bartz took the reigns. However, Carol did make a bold move in 2009 as she agreed to a deal with Steve Ballmer. Microsoft would get Yahoo Search engine technologies and create a search engine for Yahoo. In return, Yahoo would handle advertising for premium search advertisers. This was a ten year deal.BTW – Recent news stated that is using Google in Japan. While it did put a snag in the agreement this week, Yahoo Japan Chief Exec. Masahiro Inoue said Microsoft didn’t localize the service in Japan, therefore, they went with Google.
1993 – Microsoft released another Operating System to focus the business. NT 3.1 was the first release in the NT series. NT stood for “N-Ten,” the codename of the Intel i860 XR processor for which NT was initially developed.The NT kernal was different than the Windows 3.x version. It implemented the Win32 API, or 32 bit programming. Windows NT also was for the business. It didn’t push multimedia like it’s home counterpart.
2011 – The US waited for this Swedish music streaming service, and on this day, we got it. Founded in 2006, Spotify announced after exhaustive negotiation with four major US record labels, they were given the green light to launch. It came with much praise from the online community. Since then, Spotify was integrated with Facebook, and launched their own apps and app finder.
Meanwhile, in 1995, after 15 million lines and 3 years of programming, Microsoft announces Windows 95 (a.k.a. Chicago) was deemed “Golden“.That meant Microsoft could not make any more fixes or adjustments would be made until it’s release on August 24th. Of course, Microsoft Windows 95 was their first 32-bit operating system and considered a major game changer in the world of computers.
Geekazine Fact: Jeffrey Powers got his IT career as a support agent for Windows 95.
“Happy Independence Day. In return, we are going to give you a great new way to get email. It’s called “Hotmail“. Be free from your internet service provider!”
That was the call to action on 1996. Hotmail launched their email service as “HoTMaiL” (HTML is upper-case). It is the first web-based email that was later named MSN Hotmail, then Windows Live Hotmail.
Hotmail had many features since its start. Unlimited storage was one big feature. In 1997, Microsoft purchased Hotmail for $400 million, and changed the name to MSN Hotmail. They paired with the Microsoft Instant Messanger, then built items like the calendar, SkyDrive, and more.
After getting stiff competition from Google in 2004, Microsoft changed the service to Live Hotmail. The service continues on with many updates to compete with Google and Yahoo mail.
1981 – Microsoft goes through a restructure to incorporate in Washington. Bill Gates would become president, Paul Allen was Executive Vice President. Steve Ballmer would come on full-time with a $50,000 year salary.
The reason why they incorporated? On this same day, Paul Allen sends a proposal to Rod Black of Seattle Computer Products for Microsoft to purchase all rights to 86-DOS for $30,000. At that point, they had only a non-exclusive license (since September 22, 1980). This was a strategic move because Microsoft had a relationship with IBM, and wanted to re-license for the IBM PC.
After a month of negotiations, Seattle Computer agreed to the purchase for $50,000. However, that was not the end of it, as they found out of the IBM deal. They finally settled years later for $1 million.