2005 – It was the release of the Damn Small Linux program, a Linux distribution that was designed to take up as little drive space as possible. John Andrews – DSL’s developer – Never allowed the ISO to go past 50 MB in size. You would be able to put DSL onto a CD or USB drive if needed. You can get the DSL ISO to install here
1996– Nineteen year old Jennifer Kaye Ringley takes several webcams and places them within her house. For the next seven years, she would livestream her life to all on the Internet. Since Ringley was raised a nudist, she would appear on the video without clothes on. The site was not pornographic – although any sexual escapades would be caught live. Jennifer leads a Social media free life nowadays.
April 12, 1976: Ronald Wayne gives up his 10% of Apple Stock
1976– What a position Ronald Wayne was in. He was the 3rd co-founder of Apple Computer on April 1 with 10% share. However, after two weeks Wayne sells his share for $800 back to Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. The reason why was because if the company was to go under, he would be liable for any debts incurred. While a solid reason why (Wayne had assets that couldn’t be risked in that nature), it turned out to be one of the biggest mistakes as Apple is grossed in the billions. Wayne designed the original Apple logo and wrote the partnership agreement.
2009– Susan Boyle takes the Stage at “Britian’s Got Talent”. A person that most would write-off at first glance, sings “I Dreamed a Dream” from Les Miserables. Once she was done, the 48 year-old Scot got a standing ovation. The next day, her audition was posted and became one of the most viral on YouTube. It had been downloaded over 347 million times.
Of course, Boyle’s performance has been overshadowed by Gangnam Style…
April 10, 2003: The first Sony Blu Ray Player hit store shelves
2003 – Sony Blu-Ray players hit store shelves for the first time. The BDZ-S77 was the first model, but didn’t sell too well because of the $3800 price tag attached to it. Add to it no movies available in the Blu-Ray format just yet. In fact, the first Blu-Ray movies didn’t hit shelves until June 20, 2006. 50 First Dates, the Fifth Element, Hitch, Terminator and Charlies Angels: Full Throttle were the first titles to be released.
2008– Intel launches their newest processor: the ATOM processor. It’s codename was Silverthorne. It is a ATOM Z single processor using the 45 nm die processes (the processor was smaller than a penny). The ATOM processor would run at 800 MHZ with a 512 L2 cache and 533 Front side bus. The most current ATOM processor is the S1220, S1240 and S1260 for servers (released December 2012). ATOM processors can run 32 bit and 64 bit hardware and software.
April 6, 1968: 2001: A Space Odyssey releases to theaters
1968 – 2001: A Space Odyssey actually premiered in Washington DC on April 2nd, New York and Los Angles on April 4th. It was April 6th that was the major theatrical release date for the US. This Stanley Kubrick classic won an Oscar for best visual effects and was nominated for best director, best art direction and best writing , story and screenplay. For any Sci-Fi geek, this is an important movie in the genre. It was also known as “How the Solar System Was Won” and “Journey Beyond the Stars” (working titles).
1992 – At the Spring Comdex in Chicago, IL, Microsoft released “Janus” – otherwise known as Windows 3.1. The new 16 bit Operating System had some inventive features, including support for TrueType fonts, support for media formats like CD ROMs and MIDI and Super VGA monitors. Price: $149.00
1995– The program is called the Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks. But you may call it SATAN. The Perl written program – Written by Dan Famer and Wietse Venema – was released to help network admins find vulnerabilities in their remote systems. There was a lot of controversy over the tool and it’s release, since it was the first user friendly tool.SATAN was never updated since, and has been replaced with: Nessus and SAINT.