1977 – Larry Ellison, Bob Miner and Ed Oates incorporate Software Development Laboratories (SDL). Of course, SDL’s big program was Oracle. It was a codename for a CIA funded project.
Full Day in Tech History podcast show notes for June 16
June 13, 1993: Microsoft and Time-Warner Create Interactive TV
2014 – Watch the sky tonight as you will see not only a full moon, but what is called the “Honey Moon”. What is so special about this moon – it will be the last full moon on a Friday the 13th until 2049.
1993 – Microsoft teamed up with Tele-communications and Time Warner to start the revolution known as “Interactive TV”. The ability to buy product right through the set during a show. iTV would give users a Digital Set Top Box in which they would use to browse, go back and watch video. It even connected to a telephone to let you know who is calling and possibly get SMS messages.
Full Day in Tech History podcast show notes for June 11
June 11, 1980: Steve Ballmer is hired as Microsoft’s first Business Manager
1997 – Phillippe Kahn snaps the very first cameraphone picture. It was his newborn daughter from a jury-rigged camera into cell phone. After that, Kahn created Lightsurf to develop and market the process.
1980 – Otherwise known as “The 24th Man” (to join Microsoft, that is), Steve Ballmer came on as Microsoft’s first Business Manager. He made only $50k and stock options. Of course 30 years later, Steve succeeded Bill Gates as CEO of the Redmond based software company.
Full Day in Tech History podcast show notes for June 11
June 8, 1887: Herman Hollerith gets Patent for Hollerith Punch Card Reader
1887 – Herman Hollerith is a pioneer. His creations in the 19th century were detrimental in modern computing. Herman Hollerith’s creations helped the United States create a Census. On June 8th he received a patent for a punch card reader, which was used in many fashions, including school attendance, for almost 100 years.
Hollerith’s Punch card system also has been at the point of controversy – IBM was sued using the Alien Tort Claims Act because Hollerith machines were used in the 1933 census. This ultimately gave Adolf Hitler a full list of Germans and Jews in Germany. It was so useful to the Nazis, apparently a machine was set at each concentration camp.
Full Day in Tech History podcast show notes for June 8
1968, 45 years ago, the first Legoland Park opened in Denmark – called Legoland Billund. This park was right across the street from the Lego factory. It featured expansive cityscapes modeled in Lego bricks. 625,000 will visit the park within the first year.
June 6, 2011 Steve Jobs gave his last keynote for Apple
2005 – Steve Jobs spoke in front of the masses at the WWDC announcing that Apple will switch their processors from PowerPC to Intel. He then showed off the Mac OS X running on aPentium 4 CPU. The reasoning was that PowerPC chips took too much power to run and also ran hotter than an Intel chip.
2011 – It was also a sad day, as Apple CEO Steve Jobs gave what was to become his last keynote at WWDC. He introduced us to iCloud – a new service so you do not need a computer to connect your iPad or iPhone. iOS got an upgrade to version 5, and Jobs announced Mac OSX Lion. Also announced was iTunes Match, a way to keep your music in the cloud.
Full Day in Tech History podcast show notes for June 6
1938 – Pedro, the Voder is the name for the first computer that could produce speech. Bell Telephone brought out Pedro to the Franklin institute to show the new option off. Of course, years later, we can replicate a persons sound, which was shown off when Roger Ebert was on Oprah taking for the first time since his surgery.
Full Day in Tech History podcast show notes for June 5
1896 – Henry Ford gets ready to test drive the first Quadricycle (a.k.a. Car). Only one problem – They didn’t make the garage door big enough. Out comes the Ax – A couple chops and a wider door was created. The car ran 2 speed, but could not go in reverse.
2003 – Palm board of directors announce they have unanimously approved an agreement for Pam to purchase Handspring – one of its rivals in the PDA market. The deal is all stock realted where Handspring stockholders would get .09 cents of a share of Palm and no shares of PalmSource (Palm shares were at $13.89 and Handspring were at $1.27). The deal would be worth $169 million.
Full Day in Tech History podcast show notes for June 4